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Dancers on the tip of the heart -- Heart surgery team of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital

Author:admin      Time:2023-02-23     Number :543
There are such a group of people, who are known as "dancers on the tip of the heart", holding up the hope of patients. They bravely climbed to the top of medical innovation and won the "Shaanxi Medical Technology Leap Award in 2022" in the general list of the Chinese Business Daily with advanced technology.

They are the cardiac surgery team of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital. Under the leadership of Zhang Jinzhou, the vice president of the Heart Hospital of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, the cardiac surgery team respects life and is determined to forge ahead. Each year, it independently carries out more than 500 cardiac and vascular operations including macrovascular surgery, coronary heart surgery, cardiac valve surgery and congenital heart disease surgery, including high-risk aortic dissection surgery, ECMO cases, one-stop hybrid surgery for coronary heart disease The number of minimally invasive valve replacement operations is in the leading position in the province, benefiting thousands of patients and families.

Behind the bright report card is the hard work of the cardiac surgery team to develop medical technology and improve medical quality. They protect people's health and improve people's welfare with their exquisite medical skills.

Put "plug-in" on "Iron Man"

If the heart is the engine of the human body, then the left heart assist device is the "external" engine of the human body. On November 28, 2021, Professor Zhang Jinzhou successfully completed the first left ventricular assist device implantation operation in Shaanxi Province.

The patient Zheng had old myocardial infarction, whole heart enlargement, pulmonary hypertension, massive mitral regurgitation, medium-major tricuspid regurgitation, and small aortic regurgitation. The left ventricular ejection fraction was only 26%. Large-area myocardial infarction led to severe cardiac failure, combined with pulmonary infection, and his life was at stake. Drug therapy has little effect. When it is difficult for heart transplantation to wait for donors, implantation of left ventricular assist device is the best scheme.
The patient's trust in the doctor comes from the doctor's technology and sincere attitude. After obtaining the informed consent of patients and their families, Zhang Jinzhou, the vice president of the hospital, organized expert argumentation and multi-disciplinary discussions for many times, formulated a thorough surgical plan, which was reviewed and approved by the hospital ethics committee and signed the informed consent form by patients. Vice President Zhang Jinzhou led the team to successfully implement the operation of "left ventricular assist device implantation mitral valvuloplasty tricuspid valvuloplasty" for patients. One year after the operation, the patient went to Xi'an by high-speed rail alone for reexamination. He said that this year has made him realize his dream that he could not complete before. Driving, climbing and walking are no longer dreams.

Do not take the ordinary road

Bridge is the link used to connect. However, it is not lucky that there is a "bridge" in the heart. Myocardial bridge refers to a part of coronary artery (usually the left anterior descending branch) running in the myocardium, with a incidence rate of about 25%. The heart constricts and compresses the coronary artery, reducing or even interrupting the blood flow of the coronary artery. Some patients with myocardial bridge may suffer from myocardial ischemia, acute coronary syndrome, left ventricular insufficiency, arrhythmia, and even sudden death.
The coronary angiography of patient Zhao showed that the proximal and middle myocardial bridge of the anterior descending branch had a compression amplitude of about 80%, a length of 32 mm, and an FFR of 0.79. Coronary artery CTA found that the depth of myocardial bridge coronary artery reached 6.7 mm, belonging to patients with extensive myocardial bridge.

Conventional surgical methods are risky and ineffective. To this end, Zhang Jinzhou and Professor Zhu Guangyu of the School of Activism of Xi'an Jiaotong University jointly studied the key problems and designed the myocardial bridge bypass surgery.
In the chest, the patient's heart is beating. Vice President Zhang Jinzhou held his breath and separated the proximal coronary artery of the myocardial bridge from the fat little by little; After that, the pre-dissociated internal mammary artery was anastomosed with hair-like needle and thread at the distal coronary artery of the myocardial bridge; After accurately measuring the corresponding length, cut off the internal mammary artery and anastomose the broken end to the normal coronary artery near the myocardial bridge. After 4 hours, myocardial bridge bypass grafting was successfully completed. The blood flow and resistance of the test bridge were satisfactory after the cardiac arrest. According to the retrieval of scientific and technological information in Shaanxi Province, this case of myocardial bypass grafting is still the first in the world. After the operation, the patient recovered smoothly, and the angina pectoris that had been around for many years was finally completely relieved. So far, Zhang Jinzhou's team has completed more than 10 cases of myocardial bridge surgery, and the symptoms of all patients have been significantly reduced or disappeared. This technique has also been reported in well-known journals at home and abroad and has attracted the attention of international peers.
This gift of life is the best compliment to the brave.

Treat every operation as the first time

Race against death and play for life. At present, cardiac surgery has 2 general wards, 1 ward and 110 beds. Many new technologies that bring good news to patients were born here——

The first international myocardial bridge bypass surgery

The first case of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy assisted by Da Vinci in northwest China

The first case of one-stage transcatheter aortic valve replacement endovascular isolation of abdominal aortic dissection in northwest China

The First Left Heart Assist Device Implantation in Shaanxi Province

Life is paramount, and we have bravely broken into the forbidden zone. Each technical difficulty has been overcome one by one under the leadership of Vice President Zhang Jinzhou. Cardiac surgery has successfully carried out high-risk aortic dissection surgery, thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, abdominal aortic aneurysm, aortic root replacement with preserved aortic valve, minimally invasive cardiac valve repair/replacement surgery, aortic arch surgery, pulmonary artery intimal denudation surgery, superior and inferior vena cava disease and other major vascular surgery; Some previously considered high-risk operations have become routine here.

Professor Zhang Jinzhou, the subject leader, is a postdoctoral fellow of the University of Texas, a visiting scholar of cardiothoracic surgery in Cleveland Hospital, the chairman of the Special Committee of Cardiovascular Surgery of Shaanxi Non-public Medical Association, the standing member of the Special Committee of Cardiovascular Surgery of China Non-public Medical Association, the standing member of the Special Committee of Extracorporeal Life Support of China Non-public Medical Association, the member of the Special Committee of Medical Robot of China Medical Association, and the standing member of the Medical Expert Committee of Shaanxi Red Cross Foundation, Executive director of Shaanxi Research Hospital Association. Over 30 years of medical practice, he has accumulated rich experience in the surgical diagnosis and treatment of infant congenital heart disease, valvular heart disease, coronary heart disease, aneurysm and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

For a doctor, he may have successfully performed a certain operation hundreds of times, but for every patient, it may be the first time. "Treat every operation as the first time," said Zhang Jinzhou, vice president of the hospital, It also attracted patients from all over the country.

Behind each operation is the simple and luxurious happiness of ordinary families. Every exploration of the cardiac surgery team is to protect the happiness of patients. In the future, they will continue to shoulder this trust and deliver happiness in the name of protection.