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One registration is valid for three days, and Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital has added new measures for convenience

Author:admin      Time:2023-08-05     Number :339
Registering in the morning, queuing up for examination, and having to re register if the examination results are not available the next day are the feelings of many patients seeking medical treatment. Is there a good solution? At Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, the extended registration period that patients are looking forward to is about to come true!

Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital has broken the tradition of effective registration on the same day of diagnosis and treatment, innovatively launched the "one registration for three days" initiative, further optimizing outpatient service processes, reducing patient medical costs, and improving patient medical experience. Starting from August 7, 2023, if the results of auxiliary examinations such as tests and CT are not available on the same day after the patient is registered for medical treatment, the registration fee will be waived for another visit within three days in the same hospital area and profession. The doctor will interpret the report and provide treatment suggestions for the patient free of charge.

When patients bring the test results for follow-up within three days, they can go to the same hospital area and same specialty for free medical treatment. For example, by hanging the attending physician's number, they can seek medical treatment in the same hospital area and same specialty's attending physician's consultation room. After completing auxiliary examinations such as CT and magnetic resonance imaging, patients do not need to wait for the examination results in the hospital. They still need to make an appointment for registration during the validity period for follow-up visits. When the doctor receives the diagnosis, the system will make a judgment. If it is a doctor of the same or next level who receives the diagnosis, there is no registration fee charged. "Yang Bo, Director of the Outpatient Department of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, introduced that the measure of" one registration is effective for three days "has covered the outpatient consultation rooms in the hospital.

Cherish every service and do it well once. The innovative measure of "one registration for three days is effective" is a microcosm of the hospital's numerous policies that benefit the people. In recent years, Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital has taken a series of innovative measures to optimize processes, deepen connotation, pay attention to patient needs, improve outpatient services, improve medical experience, enhance patient experience, and diligently solve the urgent and difficult problems of the public, making medical treatment smoother and more caring.

Kind reminder

'One registration valid for three days' applies to:Same hospital area, same specialty, same level doctor

'One registration valid for three days' does not apply to:Special outpatient service, convenience outpatient service, and multidisciplinary joint outpatient service

The final interpretation of this rule belongs to Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital.