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The signing ceremony of public welfare cooperation between two international medical hospitals and Beijing Quzheng Love Foundation was successfully he

Author:admin      Time:2023-02-15     Number :311

On the morning of February 14, the signing ceremony of the public welfare cooperation between Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, Xi'an Hi-Tech Hospital and Beijing Quzheng Love Foundation was held in the security building of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital. Qu Zheng, founder of Beijing Quzheng Love Foundation, Wei Xiaohui, director of Beijing Quzheng Love Foundation, Sun Wenguo, vice president of international medicine, Yin Qiang, president of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, Fan Yuhui, general manager of Xi'an Hi-Tech Hospital, Song Ying, president and relevant departments and offices of the hospital The person in charge of the specialized hospital and others attended the event, and Fu Qiang, vice president of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, presided over the ceremony.

This cooperation aims to rescue and treat children with congenital heart disease in Shaanxi, carry out relevant public welfare activities such as prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease, screening of congenital heart disease, academic exchange and training in various aspects, and continue to promote the improvement of skills related to the treatment of congenital heart disease in the region; Promote the implementation and application of the public welfare project "Heart Care Cloud Project" in Shaanxi, so as to provide convenient, timely and effective dynamic ECG diagnosis services for the grass-roots people; At the same time, we will continue to spread the concept of "great love and integrity", implement and expand more medical assistance public welfare projects, and benefit the people of the Sanqin.

Mr. Qu Zheng delivered a speech at the signing ceremony, saying that the foundation has developed into a 5A public fund after ten years of adhering to the concept of "great love and integrity". This cooperation originated from a love affair. Xi'an is my hometown, and our common concern for public welfare and medical care has brought us closer to each other. Today's cooperation has brought us two more partners with feelings. In the second decade of the foundation's development, we will continue to expand the scope of medical assistance, start the rescue of multiple major diseases such as cancer and leukemia, and continue to integrate medical resources and expand the scope of assistance on the basis of cooperation. We believe that we will do better in the future. This signing is based on the high recognition of the concept of public welfare by both sides, and we hope that through our cooperation, we can truly benefit the people of Shaanxi and even the whole country, Let public welfare undertakings really serve the health of Chinese people.

Subsequently, Ma En, deputy director of cardiology and macrovascular surgery of Xi'an Hi-Tech Hospital, and Zhang Jinzhou, deputy director of cardiology hospital of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, briefly introduced the general situation of cardiology hospitals and the current medical aid situation of each hospital, and expressed their gratitude to the Foundation for selecting two hospitals under international medicine to carry out patient assistance cooperation! Zhang Lu, Director of the Foundation's Rescue Department, explained the relevant processes and systems of the Foundation's CHD relief project.

After a period of warm and touching music, the two sides signed a contract, marking the official start of their cooperation. After the ceremony, Mr. Qu Zheng also presented the "Great Love Zhengxin" porcelain plate, calligraphy works and personal works to the hospital.

Beijing Quzheng Love Foundation is a 5A level charitable organization with public donation qualification founded by Professor Qu Zheng, a well-known cardiovascular surgery expert who enjoys special allowance from the State Council. Since its establishment, it has cooperated with more than 30 hospitals across the country to carry out the public welfare charity work focusing on medical assistance, created the "Heart Care Cloud Project" with ECG network diagnosis and health services as the core, and the "Two Heart Health Project" with mental health services as the core, and continued to carry out medical assistance, health services, and accurate assistance through the public welfare model of "One Help One, Point to Point, and Full Transparency" Public welfare activities such as love transmission.

In the future, international medicine will continue to strengthen cooperation with Quzheng Love Foundation to jointly promote the development of medical public welfare undertakings, gather the forces of social love to make greater contributions to the development of Shaanxi and continuously improve the health and well-being of the people.